Despite being the boot shaped land of the emotional ballad, Italy had more than its fair share of ladies who took up the beat craze when it hit their country's shores. One of these who embraced a more upbeat sensibility was a lady by the name of Lorena Midi. She released at least 4 singles on the small America Records label sometime in the late sixtees and in quite quick succession judging by the release numbers. Her first was also the initial release from the label, Questa e L'Ultima Volta/Dici Sempre No followed by C'e Tanto Sole/Non Chiedermi Di Lasciarti. Next came Un Poco Piu D'Amore/Questione Di Mentalita and finally Una Caraci Di Baci/Un Giorno Hat Detto No. Whether or not any more followed is a question of mystery to me! The initial attraction of Lorena are not what's on the record, but what it is encased in. What a brilliant cover sleeve eh! Pop-art perfection, and what's quite neat too is how she recycled the theme for other singles - staying true to art form! Alas what is on the disc perhaps does not match what the cover might suggest. Production is sparse by Italian standards and the lass is certainly no Brunetta, or even Caterina Caselli - but she does possess a certain charm all her own. Her best cut from what I've heard is Un Giorno Hai
Detto No, in English The Day You Said No. One thing I have discovered thus, is that the co-writer of her material and indeed the producer and arranger was a fellow by the name of Paolo Prencipe who acheived success much later in 1976 at the San Remo song festival with the song Linda Bella Linda. Futher information on just who, what, when, where and why is Lorena is non-existent......but if anyone can help! You can now preview Un Giorno Hai Detto No and Questione Di Mentalita' on Youtube. And download the two singles I possess below as always.
Preview Un Giorno Hai Detto No
Preview Questione Di Mentalita'
Download Miss Midi Here

Preview Un Giorno Hai Detto No
Preview Questione Di Mentalita'
Download Miss Midi Here