Hey! Just a quick note to suggest you check out my blog at the moment which currently has 3 records each by The Debutantes and The Blades at Girl Garage Mayhem! Please do! You'll find out more info there - but here's the background to what I've posted. The Debutantes were an all female band from Detriot - and The Blades were a female fronted garage band from Anderton, South Carolina.
The Debutantes
New Love Today, Love is Strange, Shake a Tail Feather
Having manage to contact someone who had in their possession another record by The Debutantes and get hold of the mp3's, man I was chuffed! And as you can probably see, Jan (the former lead member) sent me some extra pictures - and woah! There are some amazing stories behind this band, which jan will hopefully post on her website when it is up along with masters from the band and videos(!!) - But till then enojy their sound! Here's what Jan sais about their tour of south east Asia
"Yes, girl bands did tour Southeast Asia because the troops loved seeing "round-eyes". That's racist, of course, but what can you tell guys in their teens and twenties? There were also some Philippino girl groups who could do American tunes even tho they spoke little English. It was dangerous there and there were a couple of casualties the powers-that-be tried to keep hush-hush. I remember an Australian group playing at an officers' club. The lead singer stepped to the mic to say goodnight and she was shot and killed -- she was right in the line of fire of an assassin who was aiming at a high-ranking officer. "
"We really got taken advantage of by the Korean booking agent. He took our passports and would not return them until he felt we had played enough dates to make it worthwhile for him to have paid our plane fares from Honolulu to Saigon. I wrote to the American Consulate and then-President Nixon but no one would acknowledge our please to come home. While we were there all of our American musical equipment was stolen and we felt it was an inside job by the agent for the black market. He then lent us a bunch of garbage equipment to finish the gig."
The Blades
I'll Shed No Tear, Moving Out, Again
After shedding out a small country's GDP for the first issue from this group from Anderson, South Carolina - I was more than happy when it came and first put needle to vinyl - I''ll Shed No Tear is just an amazing girl garage groover. Plus their second delightfully snotty output Moving Out appears as a repost from back in the day - just in case you missed it! And then there's again - I think'll you agree these are some of the best I'll ever be able to post!
Luckily I came across some history of the group from a member of rival local band The Penetrations.
"We were friendly rivals with The Blades. Anderson and Belton are about 10 miles or so apart. I spent about as much time in Anderson as I did in Belton (in the summer time anyway) helping Dad with his wholesale used car business. The Blades were the home band at the Teens-A-Go-Go club - without a doubt the most successful teen club in Anderson County in those days. I remember then it was in a long, narrow store building in the downtown area. I think most all the guys would agree that their band boasted the best-looking front person of any band around in those days! Her name was Vicki, and she was "easy on the eyes"!
The Penetrations were one of several guest bands at their club, and I think they played at our club as well. As for how often we crossed paths, likely not that many times - because if they were playing at one gig, we usually were playing at another. During early 1967 their lineup consisted of: Vicki (lead vocalist); Gary Fellers (keyboards); Bill Harper (lead guitar); Roger Chasteen (electric bass); and Joey Tiller (drums). There may have been some personnel changes for The Blades along the way, but I have no firsthand knowledge about that. I was not that well acquainted with them on a personal level, although I think some of our other band members were. They had a great '60's sound, that fact I do remember well. "
Merry X-mas and Happy Hogmany!
Saturday, 22 December 2007
The Debutantes and The Blades
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File under: 60's, All Girl Band, Garage, Girl Group, US garage
Thursday, 13 December 2007
La Merveilleux Delphine Desyeux!
Hey! Didn't think I would post another so soon?!! Well here's one regardless!
Born in 1953 Delphine first found fame by starring in a French television series called L´âge heureux in 1966 about a young girl (Delphine) who enrolls as a student at a ballet school. A year later she starred in a film called Les Risques du métier with pop sensation Jacques Brel. 1967 was also the year that she released her first EP, Ton anniversaire. One more followed in 1968, L'amie, le petit chien et le garçon que j'aimais bien and another in 1969, featuring YeYe classic Je Suis Le Tigresse, a cover of Lulu's I Am A Tiger. One final one was issued in 1970 entitled Un Brin De Soleil. Another release, La Chanson De L'Age Heureux, was issued in Canada and possibly in France and is likely the title song to her debut film. I've not been able to collate much further info about the lovely Delphine, but check out these great advertisements she did (along with Chantal Kelly and Alice Dona) promoting Bella dolls!
And so I bring to you that first EP she provided her vocal prowess for - Ton anniversaire! Featuring 4 very sweet numbers, L'hiver, Que s'en vienne la nuit, Ton Anniversaire and Si j'etais le vent. Enjoy!
Big thanks to Marina with this extra info on Delphine! She also starred in the movie L'homme qui rit, playing the character of Dea. Directed by Jean Kerchbron the film is an adaptation of the Victor Hugo novel. Delphine now teaches ballet in the south of France. Here's a picture of Delphine along with fellow actor Philippe Bouclet in the movie, taken from this site!
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Saturday, 1 December 2007
Lollipops, now are they just great? But a group of lollipops, now that's even better!
Firstly I must apologise for a lack of updates, partly due to uncertainty on what to post, partly to due to time, but mostly due to lethargy! But hey "The Daughters" hopefully made up for it - right??! Anyhow on with the new and belated post of the yummy kind!
Most of the groups and artists featured are named under the candied delight of "The Lollipops" However I must stress to point out that the term "Lollipop" forms part of some of the groups monkiers - but only a few - and they always come in different varieties. All in all its a real mixture with guys, girls and indeed lil kids in on the action! Lets now start with those called The Lollipops!
The Lollipops - Don't Monkey With Me
Arranged by the legendary Teacho Wiltshire, and! one-half written by prolific girl group author Larry Kusik - these girls hailed possibly from New York. Judging by the picture sleeve they look tons of fun!
The Lollipops - Words Aint Enough
These Danish beat boys rocked their homeland and beyond in the 60's. Formed in 1960 while still pre-teens their career blossomed throughout the decade, this song one of their finest!
The Lollipops - Cheating is Telling On You, Step Aside Baby, Loving Good Feeling
The only group featured that has more that one track are these fine girl Lollipops from Detriot, who recorded on these on a Motown subsidiary - why more than one? - well....just take a listen!
The Lollypops - Believe in Me
These 'pops recorded on the Holland label in 1958 - some tasty doo-wop for you!
Now for the rest!
The Lollypoppers - A Bottle of Pop and a Lollypop
Try saying that quickly 3 times over! Some more wop pop!
Becky and the Lollipops - My Boyfriend
Interesting record! Becky and the Lollipops were none other than a pseudonym for Ricky Page and her family who also recored under the names of The Bermudas, Joanne & the Triangles, The Majorettes and Beverly and the Motorscooters.
The Good Ship Lollipop - Maxwell's Silver Hammer
Great bubblegum-psych released in 1969. Incidentally the Danish Lollipops also recored a version!
The Electric Lollipop - The Lightning Bug
Kid garage as featured in the Girls in the Garage and Only in America compilations.
Prof. Morrisons Lollipop - Oo-poo-pa
Amazing bubblegum classic! So, so catchirific!
Lil Bob and the Lollipops - Stop
The king of swamp pop appears with this classic!
The Lollipop Shoppe - You Must Be a Witch
Stand out track from these psychedellers previously known as The Weeds
Die Lollipops - Drei Chinesen mit dem Kontrabass
Em, did I say all the tracks were classics?!
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File under: 50's, 60's, bubblegum, denmark, doo wop, food, Garage, Girl Group
Sunday, 11 November 2007
The Daughters of Eve Collection
"Don't waste my time..."Up my audiophilic sleeve this update, I am proud to pull out the whole catalogue of, perhaps, one of the most definitive all female bands from the sixties - the beautifully talented Daughters of Eve! This band, hailing from the windy city, had a career that spanned from 1965 to '68. In those 3 years the band release four singles, and members included Marsha Tomal (Organ/Rhythm Guitar/Vocals), Debi Pomeroy (Drums), Judy Johnson (Lead Guitar/Vocals), Andee Levin, Marilou Davion and Lori Wax (all on bass). The
full story of these girls can be found on the ever-wonderful institution that is Spectropop - check it out sharpish if you havnae all ready!
The two strongest songs (Don't Waste My Time and Help Me Boy) have allready been compiled on Girls With Guitars and Girls in the Garage, however the original compositions Symphony of My Soul and Social Tragedy are still damn good! Also included in the package are covers of Hey Lover, Stand By Me, He Cried and A Thousand Stars. As an added bonus there's a radio spot promoting a gig! Lovely!
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File under: 60's, All Girl Band, Girl Group, US garage
Monday, 29 October 2007
Spin and twirl with The Rock Flowers!
"Spin My Record, Watch Me Twirl!"

This week is a combination of a few of my favourite things; things such as Girl Groups, Bubblegum, Lost Gems...and Debra Clinger! Wahey! Man, if I was a doll collector as well ^__^ Haha!

Now as well as the singles that came with each doll, 2 LP's were released consecutively in '71 and '72 featuring the vocal talents of Rindy Dunn, Debra Clinger and Ardie Tillman. What was stange about these LP's is that bearing in mind their issuing as part of a marketing masterplan, the only reference to the dolls was the name of the group itself! Anyhow the Lp's and singles are a utter fantastic collection of bubblegum girl sounds, with a bit 'o a rockin' edge! Produced by the man behind the Partride Family (Mr. Wes Farrell) and written by Toni Wine, Ellie Greenwich (brill!) and Carol Bayer. So great that Jeff Barry wrote for The Archies, and Ellie for The Rock Flowers! The girls went on to tour with Tom Jones before splitting. I will probably feature more of the wonderful Debra Clinger and her sisters in the future, but for now enjoy!

The 2 seperate downloads below include the first self-titled LP and the second called Naturally as well as 4 more songs in addition! Which = 26 in total! Wahey!
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File under: 70's, bubblegum, Clinger Sisters, Girl Group
Monday, 22 October 2007
Yutta Tutta with Vicky Baker!
Now for something peppy! Courtsey of one Vicky Baker, as she performs the Yutta Tutta. Vicky herself is an elusive character, but once you hear and her gang it'll be stuck in your head for weeks! Also included is the other side, I Am What I Am - Go Vicky!

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File under: 60's, Girl Group
Saturday, 13 October 2007
Tinkerbell's Magic Fairydust *
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Françoise Hardy - C'est N'est Pas Un Rêve
Hey! Just had to post this video of the ever-wonderful Ms Hardy and her cover of Don't come any closer by Samantha Jones. Or did Samantha cover Françoise? Who knows! Please check out the posters other videos as well - amazing, amazing stuff! (yes it does deserve more than one!)
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Friday, 5 October 2007
Some advice from The Nu-Luvs
The Nu-Luvs were another girl group taken under the wing by maestro, Shadow Morton. Originally 'Dressed in Black' was recorded as a b-side for The Shangri-Las single 'He Cried.' Deciding that he could make it a hit with another group, he found a group called the Nu-Luvs, craftily changed the title of the song, keeping the backing track while just rerecording the vocals but unfortunately for him it was anything but. Another group called The Pussycats, under genius arranger Artie Butler, recorded the song as well, this time with a refigured and rejigged backing. The jury's out wheter Shadow had much involvement in that release, but considering that is also labelled a 'Phantom Product' it may have some of his touch. That went kinda nowhere as well! In my opinion nothing can beat the Shangri-La original, however out of the two covers The Nu-Luvs version has the upper crust! Mostly because The Pussycats cut out the so soft, so warm part - why??! I ask! Anyhow the reason for my posting is to let you hear the b-side of this great single, as you might allready have or have heard the a-side. 'Take My Advice' is one girls lament to another while she cries to herself in her room, much like the other side! I've also included the remastered version of So Soft, So Warm, as my copy is a bit crappy. Enjoy!
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File under: 60's, Girl Group
Thursday, 27 September 2007
Man!.... It's the Daisy Clan!
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Thursday, 20 September 2007
A chap called Edouard
Here's a cool find! First a bit of back story.. Firstly in France, a guy called Antoine scored a hit with a record called Les Elucubrations D'Antoine back in 1966. The record upon release stirred up a bit of controversy, in part due to his free flowing locks and a fondness for flowered shirts, but also due to the record's forward comments on social issues such as the pill and imported rock'n'roll ala Johnny Halliday. While artists in his succession tried to emulate his Dylan-esque vibes, he did have his fair share of detractors. In fact he inspired a slew of parody, ....I guess tributes!, that mocked Antoine's forwardness and style. One of these was a guy called Edouard, who responded to Antoine in his song My Name is Edouard, while sporting a knee-length wig and a natty pair of bermuda shorts! All in good sport of course!...maybe! Anyhow here's a vid of said song and le mp3s to match! Also included is a direct parody of Les Elucubrations D'Antoine called coincidently Les Hallucinations d'Edouard.
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File under: bermuda shorts, France, yeye
Sunday, 16 September 2007
Act III, A lost Shadow Morton Girl Group
Here's a 45 by mystery girl group, Act III, from 1966 and released on Bell subsidiary, Mala records. What makes this an interesting stand out are the people behind it. The A-side, Sweet Anticipation, is produced and arranged by the legendary George "Shadow" Morton. Production credits also go to fellow Shangri-La writer Tony Michaels, who was also their manager before the girls signed to Red Bird and once owned radio station WBAB. Tony and George were also in a group together in Long Island called The Marquees. The two writers are also quite interesting as well! One of them, Erik Darling, was an important player in the folk revival period in the early 60's. The flipside, "I'm Gonna Try and Be Better", is also produced by Morton alongside a Warren Mills and Elliot Sachs. Regrettably I cannot find a single thing about the girls themselves. I was almost excited when I saw the name as there is an all girl band from the late 60's called Act IV, so logically it could have been them sans one member, however the dates don't match up! The record itself is not too spectacular, and slight departure from what you would expect from a "Shadow" Morton girl group ala The Shangri-Las/Nu-Luvs/Pussycats, but it has its charm! The B-side is a bit more rockin', and could sound like it was from an all girl band - ^___^ - Anyhow it is a very interesting piece of history nonetheless! Enjoy!
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File under: 60's, Girl Group
Monday, 10 September 2007
Les Lutins, The Imps of Quebec!
One of the finest garage acts that came out of the province of Quecbec in the 1960's were a group of guys who called themselves Les Lutins. Forming in 1963 in the town St-Hyacinthe (The Liverpool of Quebec!), the band began performing at various dance venues locally but due to their ages (11-12 at the time) they were unable to break into the industry. However the first grains of success were laid when the band appeared on the radio station CHRS as part as a radiothon along with other groups from the region in December 1964. The following summer the band made more headway, winning a large battle bands contest, in which 36 groups from across Quebec took part. Out of this came the chance to release a record with Laval Records, who sponsored the event. The release went no where and it was just under two years before fate took a positive step.
During this time the band developed their style into one that was influenced by the influx of British mod groups, such as The Who and The Kinks. As a result another release was put out (Je Cherche/Elle n'a rein compris), this time on the newly formed Carrousel records, owned by Roger Valley. Under the wing of Alain Blanchard's sister, Nicole, the group took on a plan to release a single around every three months. The increasing popularity and the constant releases of the group meant that a number of singles remained in high chart positions at the same time. These included Dany, dedica
ted to singer Dany Aube, and Laissez-nous vivrez.
A collaboration with artist Jacques Michel provided the group with their greatest hit, Monsieur le robot, while their self-titled first album proved a hit also. After a tour, and more singles, their second album Les Lutins en orbite was released with praise given to new guitarist Richard Guillemette, previously of Les Intendents, work on cuts Girl and Les yeux fermes. As 1968 came to a close Simon Brouillard, the singer of the group, left the band in pursuit of a solo career. The group continued on as a four piece, but by the end of the decade the band had parted company.
And there you go!
Band Members:
- Alain Blanchard: bass (1964-1969)
- Simon Brouillard: vocals
- Normand Brouillard: drums
- Serge Lambert: guitar
- Richard Guillemette: guitar (1968-1969)
Additional Members:
- Luc Dozois: drums (1963-1964)
- André Richard: guitar (1963-1965)
- Yvan Saint-Onge: guitar (1965-1968)
As for the download I have uploaded some of my favourite tracks from these guys. Please do take a listen, you wont be disappointed!

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File under: 60's, Canadian Garage, video clip
Tuesday, 4 September 2007
The Honey LTD & Eve Collection
It is with great pleasure and happiness that I present to you....., the Honey Ltd and Eve collection! This special package combines the works of the group primarily known as Honey Ltd, while also covering their foundation as the Mama Cats and their later incarnation as Eve.
Honey Ltd are perhaps one of the last great female vocal groups of the sixties, encompassing dream-like harmonies and song writing to fantastic production and arrangement. ... Of course there's much more to the story!
The full history, including interviews. of these groovy girls is provided by Perfect Sound Forever
While the full picture is provided by Spectropop
However the brief version goes something like this...
Four girls (Laura, Marsha Jo, Alex and Joan) meet through university. Finding a common passion for singing, they form a band. Next they meet an influential manager from Detroit, christening them the Mama Cats. Much touring ensues and with one single down an eventual move to LA became their next move. One phone call later, and one meeting with a certain Mr. Hazelwood they hit a recording studio. A publicity campaign is launched and singles follow. Unknown to the band, however, a self-titled LP is released on LHI. Eventually Alex leaves the band and Eve is formed. An LP of theirs is released mid 1970. The band moves on but leaves behind a beautiful legacy...
However that is only a very brief brief - so please do read on at Perfect Sound Forever!
It is however, fair to say that the Honey Ltd LP, is very much a rarity - and can fetch up to prices of $2000 - worth it? You betcha! Included in the collection are 23 songs, including the Mama Cats A-side, the Honey Ltd LP, a non LP single, an alternate version of Louie Louie, the Eve LP and a song scored for the Vanishing Point film soundtrack. This won't be available for too long....so grab it while you can!
This post is dedicated to the great man behind all of this, Lee Hazelwood.

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File under: 60's, food, Girl Group, Psychedelic
Saturday, 1 September 2007
A double dose of Café con Leche!
Time to get another fix of bubblegum..., and this time its a total sugar high.... with added fuzz!
Café con Leche were two young American kids who released at least two records in Spain in '72/'73. For what reasons and the amount
of success the record acheived are unknown, but its great that they did! The Spanish speaking world during the 70's and early 80's seemed to have a thing for groups featuring young members, with artists such as La Pandilla, Los Chicos and Parchis garnering massive success in Spain and Latin America, so I guess this is somehow related to the craze!

Anyhow here's the two said tracks!
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
Make way for the Moppets!!
East Coast Girls who Strummed with Style!
They earnt around $150 for each performance, playing in colleges such as Cornell, Brown, Wesleyan and Amherst, and performed numbers such as the Boston Monkey and the Philly to great appreciation from audiences! Often stunned that a band of girls could play so good!
At some point the band went through a change of lineup, with Phyllis leaving the group and two new members joining the band! These two were Pamela Brandt and another girl called Gretchen Pfeifer.
Sometime in 1967 the band went their separate ways, however the desire to perform had not left some of the members. They, including Pamela and Gretchen, formed the outfit Ariel alongside two women (Anne Bowen and Helen Hooke) and again received press attention and were a popular touring group on the east coast. By 1970, though, the band came to a conclusion and again separated. However Anne reformed and reunited with her former bandmates, Pamela and Helen, to play at a women's festival, this time under the name of The Deadly Nightshade. Due to changing attitude to females in rock, the band managed to secure one of the first deals as an all girl band to a major label, RCA, and went on to release two albums to mixed reviews,... and also managed to fit in an appearance on Sesame Street! The band finally broke up in 1977 after 5 years. Pamela has subsequently become an acclaimed feminist writer.
And after all that! Here is the sole Moppets release I know of and own, on Spirit Records...! The A side is a cover of The Supremes "Come See About Me", while the reverse is a cover of The Beau Brummels, "Cry Just a Little". Both are groovy with a great garage edge! Also included are all the pictures below and the article from the New York Times! Hope you enjoy both this and the whack of pictures of the lovely and pinoneering ladies!
The Moppets!
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File under: 60's, All Girl Band, Girl Group, US garage